
May 10, 2023
Introducing Whatsapp Business Chat!
Pinned Release

Introducing Whatsapp Business Chat!

Team Ryng

Hello Summer,

After the much awaited wait, we are finally glad to introduce Whatsapp on Ryng 🎉!!!

We designed this from the ground up, so you get a truly integrated omni channel experience. Your business can now send and receive Whatsapp messages to customers in two different ways:

  1. While on call: Send a template (pre-approved by Meta) to customers and with attachments while your agent is on call with the customer. These are called business-initiated messages.
  2. Live Agent: Receive all incoming messages from customers to your official whatsapp number here. Chat back in free-form without being restricted to templates. Agents can see new chats & assign it to themselves.

Have an already existing Meta account? No problem, we can connect directly to it. Don’t have it? Fear not, we can help you get onboarded.

Reach out to your Ryng customer success manager or sales@askerbot.com to activate Whatsapp today!

Other Improvements


Assign roles when you create admin users


Long URLs are better handled on the UI


Reset Q showing agent assigned without calling


Agent not receiving calls after resetting the Q by selecting 'only for un-attempted calls’


Waiting for NFC is now available in Live Monitoring


Issue with Last refreshed time in Live Monitoring

April 6, 2023
Refined Statuses is here!
Pinned Release

Refined Statuses is here!

Team Ryng

Dear Patron,

With this release we are breaking down the “On Call” status into refined statuses that give you a clear view on the exact state of your agent. Soon to follow we will be adding in metrics (indicated in green) to enhance your reporting.

  • ringing-agent : when Ryng is ringing the agent or agent is yet to dial into the virtual number
  • ringing-customer: when the customer phone is ringing
  • talking: when both agent & customer has answered the call, and they are talking
  • on-wrap: when a connected call is terminated and the call is not wrapped yet

These statuses are now made available to agents as well. See the image below for the new enhanced agent top-bar:

Launching soon…

We have been working on integrating Whatsapp into Ryng. Please reach out to sales@askerbot.com or your customer success manager, so we can get you started.

Other upgrades:


Agents can now see their status just as the admins see it on Live Monitoring


Agent sees a countdown timer when on break


Admins can report on all incoming calls


Within MyQ sidebar (in Queue module) agents can filter for a date to see all scheduled calls


Improved call interface for preview calls - campaigns/contact book


User list shows deactivation date

February 24, 2023
Introducing Ryng Overall Status
Pinned Release

Introducing Ryng Overall Status

Team Ryng
  • February 24, 2023
  • Ryng


As Ryng is evolving continuously, we find it important to upgrade our reporting baselines. With this release we are making a critical addition to our reports & data library. Meet Overall Status!

This allows admins, manager & analysts to understand what is happening with a call. Let’s look at the statuses:

  1. Connected : The call was connected. Agent & Customer completed a conversation.
  2. Abandoned : This status is only applicable for Pacing/Predictive dialing. It represents a call that has been abandoned/dropped because one other call got connected.
  3. Agent Cancelled : This represents a state where the agent disconnected a call while it was ringing the customer, i.e before the call reached terminal status.
  4. Non-connects: This represents a state when the agent stays on call, but none of the calls connected because of No-answer, Busy, Failed or any other status
  5. Not Applicable: This means the call has been initiated but has not been disposed (connected/non-connected) yet. Please generate the report after some time.

Overall Status is only applicable for new calls - from 24th Feb 2023

If you are interested in more data, we have added in more layers of statuses:

  1. Exotel Status (earlier called Overall Status) = Represents the status derived by the cloud telephony operator - Exotel
  2. Cause Code = Represents the status reported by the cellphone tower. Find the definitions here

Impact on your metrics:

We are upgrading our Connectivity metric to reflect this. You are now able to view the true-connectivity of your queue, as it avoids abandoned & agent-cancelled calls.

Connectivity = [Connected Calls] / [Connected Calls + Non-Connected Calls]

How does this help?

  • Each status has enables distinct actions, based on your business scenario:

    • If agent-cancelled is high → monitor & train your agents to stay on
    • If abandoned is high → reduce your pacing ratio
    • If non-connects are high → increase retries

Other Changes


Duration in reports is now formatted as hh:mm:ss


Admin can set default timezone & country for the organisation


Forms is now available in Preview/Campaign dialing


Manage your DLT Entity ID on SMS Settings


Auto-detect & shorten URLs in SMS body


Detected languages are now present in Queue & Campaign details page

February 2023
February 7, 2023
🤝 Meet our young AI: Hearsay

🤝 Meet our young AI: Hearsay

Team Ryng
  • February 7, 2023
  • Ryng

🤖 AI is the hype these days, so why wouldn’t we jump on the bandwagon!!

Hearsay - our homegrown AI - core mission is not to take over the world, but it gives you actionable insights around your conversations. It will start by detecting languages spoken in your business conversations.

Start: Go to the Audit module and check the “Detected Languages”

🔰 You will notice an AI icon against insights from Hearsay

Other Changes


🎉 What’s New panel on login page & admin dashboards so you know what’s latest


Add to DND is now available on Preview dialling (Campaigns)


Call activity sync to LSQ is moved to async format to conserve your LSQ rate limits


Rolling out improvements to our queuing logic for pacing

January 2023
January 24, 2023
🎉 Introducing Forms: Take inputs that matter

Happy New Year! 🥳

We are kicking off this year with some exciting news. We are adding a whole new Tool within Ryng called Forms. Admins and managers can configure new Forms, similar to Google Forms, Survey Monkey or Typeform and attach them to Queues/Campaigns. While on call, agents can then capture relevant data by filling out the forms. How cool is that! Read more by clicking the “Feature link” at the bottom.

Just head over to SETTINGS > Add-Ons to add your first Form!

Did you know?

💡 Agents can now send an pre-defined SMS while on call? Go to Settings > SMS to get started
💡 You can create sophisticated Churn Logics based on your business objectives? Go to Settings > Dial Settings > Churn Logic to get started
💡 Ryng can alert on Insights you when your Virtual Number gives lesser connectivity than a threshold you can set? Go to Settings > Tenant > Virtual Numbers > Edit to get started.



A new tool called Forms - allows agents to capture data against admin-defined questions


Ability to custom dial international numbers


Calls by disposition pie chart on Insights will now exclude all non-connected calls


Pie charts will have contrasting colors for better visibility


Reordered columns on Staff Productivity table (Insights) based on priority